Saturday, April 24, 2010

Chapter II

At home, surrounded by everything she thought could be intellectually beneficial, Katherine "Kate" Anderson, sat down and flipped through a book entitled "Suicide" by Emile Durkheim. It was a subject that she had been thinking heavily about for the past two days. Ever since the day everyone left. She didn't like to think of it as "disappeared" because the idea of people just leaving into thin air disturbed her too greatly, so she decided that everyone simply left her behind. It made her sanity a touch more stable. Ironically, the book that lay ignored in her hands did little to ease her mind. She couldn't stop herself from crying as she contemplated the loneliness she was feeling, and the idea that she would now be alone until the day she died. "At least I could see everyone sooner if I just had the balls to go through with this," she mumbled to no one in particular. Her television set, which had been on for sometime now with a blank screen, sputtered once, again, then jumped into focus.
"I don't know if there is anyone to get this message, but my name is Olaf Wiig. I'm a camera man who works for CNN and I was able to route all signals into a single channel in hopes that someone will get this. I'm alone. I'm the only person here, or anywhere in the city. I know that I must sound insane but you have to believe me! For Christ sakes, someone has to hear me! I'm in Lake Charles, Louisiana and I am trying to gather anyone capable... Anyone at all, to come here, please! I have plenty of food and water, and, apparently, there are many vacancies in this town. If anyone can hear or see me, please, make your way towards me. Please...."
As Olaf hung his head and started to cry, Kate leapt to her feet and ran to one of her many bookshelves. She scanned quickly, looking for a map or atlas of any sort that could show her just where in the Hell Lake Charles was in Louisiana. The name sounded familiar to her. Probably because of her job as a reporter, she had heard of it in some story some time back, but she couldn't quite put her finger on it. No matter though, she thought, I have to get my ass over there as soon as possible. Kate didn't realize it, but when she found her atlas, tears started to roll from her eyes. The subconscious thought of reconnecting with someone, even someone like this Olaf person, was enough to overwhelm her despair. She found the section containing maps of Louisiana, and searched all over for Lake Charles. She took a deep breath after five minutes of heavy concentration, steadying her thoughts and her hands, and looked more intently, once again. There! In the lower South Western side of the "heel" she spotted it. Right near the Gulf of Mexico. She tore the page out of the atlas, folded it, and stuck it in her purse. She began to gather all of her belongings that she found essential into various suitcases and bags.
After loading up her car, she double checked the map. It seemed that it would take her at least three, maybe four days, to reach this place. Any thought of turning this offer down was shot out the window as she looked around the street. Nothing. She had to get to this town and fast, before she went completely insane. "Ok, Kate, it will all be ok soon," her voice whispered inside her head.
The glazed over eyes that stared at her from the next block seemed to be seeing nothing at all. Nothing but hunger.

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